Sep 24, 2015

Trusting God's Plan

This was not a part of my plan. None of this was part of my plan. 

This is what I thought this morning when I woke up for class. 
My alarm goes off, I pry open one eye just enough to find my phone and silence it and begin checking my apps. First my messages, then snaps, then the weather channel app. I dangle my legs off my bed and feel my fan hit my face as I sit up.

I walk over to the sink, brush my teeth and splash some water on my face. Then I just look at myself for a minute. How'd I end up here? 

I'm in Kansas.
Yeah, you read that right. Kansas.
A lovely little place called Atchison.
On the beautiful campus of Benedictine College.

This Minnesota girl has flown South.. for the semester?
Something like that.

I'm not gonna lie- my freshman year of college was rough. I'm sure there's some saying about finding hope in the darkness or something like that or if not here's one from me: "There is hope in the tough times." Also, it does get better. And things are happening just how they should.

Last year was a journey for me. I was learning to love myself, trust in God's plan and be who He created me to be.

Looking back on it, I can see the signs, the little things that slowly convinced me to leave everything I know, trust God on this, and jump in with both feet. But at the time, I was so lost.

I might get lost again. But that's okay, because now I know how to handle it. I don't need to be in control. That's not my role here. I'm here to love God, be a good neighbor/friend, and be exactly who God created me to be.

I'm still pursuing a degree in Communications, and want to work in the agriculture field. I do miss home, but I've found a new home here. Kiersten and I are 594.7 miles apart. Thank God for USPS. Oh yeah, and snapchat.

I've been blessed with some of the most beautiful friendships that I could ever imagine in my short time here, and I couldn't be more grateful. God knows what He's doing, and sometimes it's okay to not have it all figured out.

Someday you won't remember this pain you'd thought would last forever and ever. -Taylor Swift

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destiny. -C.S. Lewis

Whatever you're facing, if your heart is breaking, there's a promise for the ones who just hold on. Lift up your eyes and see, the sun is rising. -Britt Nicole

So I sling my backpack over one shoulder and then the other, grab my phone and coffee, and I'm out the door. Thankful that I'm in Kansas. 

Oct 10, 2014

Everything I Needed To Know I Learned On the Farm

I bet you've heard, at some point, "Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarden."  This is a famous quote by Robert Fulghum; a list of how everything that he learned in Kindergarden still applies to his life today, as an adult. I agree with his list, but I also think that everything that I needed to know, I learned on the farm.  

These are the things I learned (on the farm):


On the farm there's no choice, you share everything. Whether it be a chore, or Muck boots, or a heifer. Everything belongs to everyone. That also means that it's everybody's responsibility. 

Stick together. 

Farming is usually a family affair, and families gotta stick together. On the farm, not only are  they your relatives, they're your coworkers, bosses, and employees. Which can make it so much more fun! 

Grandma and her Grand-babies

B & R get the job done!

Working together to get to the show ring on time

Work hard and do your best. 

It pays off. Don't just put in your time, do what's not asked of you, what's needs to be done and then some. If you're not trying your hardest and giving your best performance, you're wasting your time.


Even if you're at the county fair and you're sleeping in straw. We often forget to chill out and recharge, and go too hard for too long. We end up hurting ourselves, getting sick, and being crabby. Don't get crabby. Take a nap.

Enjoy it.

While farming is a serious task, it's also a lot of fun! Those who dedicate their life to this love doing it. While it's hard work, you also need to learn to have a little fun. With whatever you got.

Slow down and be Thankful. 

Take it all in. The views, the experiences, even the smells. We live in a beautiful world. 

Sep 19, 2014

Drying Corn

Corn harvest is an exciting, busy time of year that can be stressful, but is still extremely fun. There's never enough hours in the day to get what needs to be accomplished done and all hands are on deck. This is a photo of my family helping out with corn harvest in 2012. 

More often than not, corn harvested in the Midwest will require some drying so it won't become moldy over the winter and next summer while farmers store it. Corn dryers work kind of like a dryer for your laundry. The dryer heats up to eliminate all the moisture in the grain; at least that's the goal. 

Corn dries for different lengths of time based on the maturity level and moisture percentage of the corn when harvested. To efficiently dry corn, you have to be careful not to damage the corn kernel but still adsorb all the moisture. The drying process should also be done in a timely manner as to not slow down the harvest and be completed before snow and winter. Overall, farmers want to make the corn safe to be stored for an extended period of time and can be sold at highest possible quality to the end user. 

Corn that is at 23% moisture or higher, should not be stored in a grain bin because it could freeze together over the winter, resulting in clumps of corn that won't unload easily or at all. The chart below illustrates the suggested number of days that corn should be dried. The numbers across the top show temperatures, and the ones on the left side are the percentage of moisture in the corn.

"Approximate" Allowable Storage Time (Days) for Cereal Grains

page4image2184 page4image5712
Temperature (F) 
     M.C. (%) 
Based on composite of 0.5 percent maximum dry matter loss calculated on the basis of USDA research at Iowa State University; Transactions of ASAE 3330337, 1972; and "Unheated Air Drying," Manitoba Agriculture Agdex 732-1, rev. 1986.
* Approximate allowable storage time exceeds 300 days.

Combination Drying
Combination drying is the most common method today because it allows the greatest efficiency and grain quality. Combination drying is a delayed-cooling method where you take the grain up to a very hot temperature (about 200 degrees) and then move it to a bin to cool it slowly with ambient air. 

Image obtained through Google Images

Dryeration is less commonly used, simply because it requires more steps. In dryeration, once the corn is hot from the dryer, its put into a dryeration bin where it sits hot for 4-12 hours. This is called "delayed cooling". The idea is that the longer you let if cool off by itself, the less energy it will take to cool it manually. After it's cooled it's moved into a different bin for storage. Throughout this process there's a ton of condensation while the corn is cooling. This is why the corn must be moved to a different bin for storage, or it would go bad and get moldy along the walls and top of the bin. 

Dryeration example: high-temperature dryer system with two tempering bins. Tempering bins are filled in alternating order, making sure hot grain has at least 4 hours of time to temper before exposure to cooling air. After the grain has tempered and cooled, it's transferred to a storage bin.

Information taken from:

Sep 12, 2014

Who Is the Farmgirl?

Hello Everyone and thanks for stopping by to visit my blog. This is my first blog, so I'm really excited to get started! My name is Danna Sabolik and I grew up on a dairy farm/grain operation in west central Minnesota. I am very passionate about agriculture and right now I am studying Agriculture Communications at North Dakota State University

Go Bison!

Like I said, I grew up on a dairy farm where my uncle, dad and our family milks around 250 Holstein cows. We also raise all our replacement heifers, which means that from the day the calf is born she stays on our farm and we will raise her until she's old enough to have a calf. Once she calves, she will enter our milk production and we start the same cycle over again with the new calf. Grandpa started the farm in 1968 with only 50 cows. Eventually my dad and his brother took over and now the whole family farms together. We also farm just under 2,000 acres of corn and soybeans. 

My Dad also works off the farm as a Regional Sales Manager for Arysta LifeScience. Through his work, I’ve seen a greater picture of Agriculture throughout the world and have been inspired to pursue a career in agriculture. 

Dad and I

My blog is going to focus on food production agriculture. Since I grew up on a dairy farm, I know a lot about milk production and how we take care of our cows. I'm also going to talk about our grain production.

So a little more about me: I have shown dairy cattle for 7 years through 4-h, and that's something that's very important to me. I love to hunt, fish, camp and do almost anything outdoors. I love to play sports like basketball, volleyball, golf and I can even snowboard. I also like to read, spend time with friends and family, and I love to learn! I have four younger siblings, one sister and three brothers. I love them and my parents very much and am proud to call them my family. I am also a coffee addict and I love to go shopping and get dressed up. I mean, who doesn't? ;)

My family on the 4th of July (Corn's knee high!)

My sister and I after a basketball playoff game.

My family on a camping trip in Jackson Hole, WY 

Some of my best friends :)

My sister and I at a volleyball game

One of my senior pictures

Doing chores! Gotta take that felfie! (farm selfie)


I told you I love coffee!

Working with the cattle. She leads like a charm!

My dad and I with the first deer I killed on my own

More felfies! I love cows :)

My siblings and I on show day at the county fair

My family being silly

More coffee with Mom!

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