Sep 24, 2015

Trusting God's Plan

This was not a part of my plan. None of this was part of my plan. 

This is what I thought this morning when I woke up for class. 
My alarm goes off, I pry open one eye just enough to find my phone and silence it and begin checking my apps. First my messages, then snaps, then the weather channel app. I dangle my legs off my bed and feel my fan hit my face as I sit up.

I walk over to the sink, brush my teeth and splash some water on my face. Then I just look at myself for a minute. How'd I end up here? 

I'm in Kansas.
Yeah, you read that right. Kansas.
A lovely little place called Atchison.
On the beautiful campus of Benedictine College.

This Minnesota girl has flown South.. for the semester?
Something like that.

I'm not gonna lie- my freshman year of college was rough. I'm sure there's some saying about finding hope in the darkness or something like that or if not here's one from me: "There is hope in the tough times." Also, it does get better. And things are happening just how they should.

Last year was a journey for me. I was learning to love myself, trust in God's plan and be who He created me to be.

Looking back on it, I can see the signs, the little things that slowly convinced me to leave everything I know, trust God on this, and jump in with both feet. But at the time, I was so lost.

I might get lost again. But that's okay, because now I know how to handle it. I don't need to be in control. That's not my role here. I'm here to love God, be a good neighbor/friend, and be exactly who God created me to be.

I'm still pursuing a degree in Communications, and want to work in the agriculture field. I do miss home, but I've found a new home here. Kiersten and I are 594.7 miles apart. Thank God for USPS. Oh yeah, and snapchat.

I've been blessed with some of the most beautiful friendships that I could ever imagine in my short time here, and I couldn't be more grateful. God knows what He's doing, and sometimes it's okay to not have it all figured out.

Someday you won't remember this pain you'd thought would last forever and ever. -Taylor Swift

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destiny. -C.S. Lewis

Whatever you're facing, if your heart is breaking, there's a promise for the ones who just hold on. Lift up your eyes and see, the sun is rising. -Britt Nicole

So I sling my backpack over one shoulder and then the other, grab my phone and coffee, and I'm out the door. Thankful that I'm in Kansas. 

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