Oct 10, 2014

Everything I Needed To Know I Learned On the Farm

I bet you've heard, at some point, "Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarden."  This is a famous quote by Robert Fulghum; a list of how everything that he learned in Kindergarden still applies to his life today, as an adult. I agree with his list, but I also think that everything that I needed to know, I learned on the farm.  

These are the things I learned (on the farm):


On the farm there's no choice, you share everything. Whether it be a chore, or Muck boots, or a heifer. Everything belongs to everyone. That also means that it's everybody's responsibility. 

Stick together. 

Farming is usually a family affair, and families gotta stick together. On the farm, not only are  they your relatives, they're your coworkers, bosses, and employees. Which can make it so much more fun! 

Grandma and her Grand-babies

B & R get the job done!

Working together to get to the show ring on time

Work hard and do your best. 

It pays off. Don't just put in your time, do what's not asked of you, what's needs to be done and then some. If you're not trying your hardest and giving your best performance, you're wasting your time.


Even if you're at the county fair and you're sleeping in straw. We often forget to chill out and recharge, and go too hard for too long. We end up hurting ourselves, getting sick, and being crabby. Don't get crabby. Take a nap.

Enjoy it.

While farming is a serious task, it's also a lot of fun! Those who dedicate their life to this love doing it. While it's hard work, you also need to learn to have a little fun. With whatever you got.

Slow down and be Thankful. 

Take it all in. The views, the experiences, even the smells. We live in a beautiful world. 

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